
Thursday Jun 07, 2018
Time is an Illusion, The Crossword Puzzle Number 26: Mystic Grace Episode #8
Thursday Jun 07, 2018
Thursday Jun 07, 2018
from Washington, D.C.
Happy Father’s Day!
When my father Jack finally lets go of his house and his life, the most magnificent thing happens. He sends a profound message through a crossword puzzle before his time of death here.
Is time simply an illusion then?
This podcast is a story that I wrote in 2014 about my father passing from this dimensional field into the next. Jack does not want to go however, because he trusts only what he can see in front of him. He is constantly glancing at his watch to remind him that he is still living and breathing on this earth plane and as long as he can still see that watch, he is still alive and not in hell or anywhere else!
Spacetime, as it is called is the theory that we exist in parallel universes where space and time are connected proving that the concept of time is simply an illusion. Everything that has ever been or ever will be is happening right now. The concept of time is simply an illusion made up of human memories, writes Leigh Brasington. Time is an illusion we created to try and measure the rate of change
of the present. It's always now. But it's an ever changing now. We usually think of time as having three parts - Past, Present, Future. But what is the Past - only a collection of memories. We can't experience the Past, we can only remember it. And we can only remember it in the Present (furthermore, our memories are noticeably unreliable). There is no objective thing that we call the Past; it can't be measured in any way; our only contact with it is in the Present.
And what is the Future - only a mental construct in the Present. We can't experience the Future until it "becomes" the Present. Until then it is only a hope and dream. We can project what the Future may be like, but we are considerably less accurate than when we remember the Past. There is no objective thing that we call the Future; it can't be measured in any way; our only contact with it is in the Present.
That leaves us with only the Present - the ever changing Present. This change that we experience in the ever present Present does have a "direction." Things change in the general direction of having greater entropy. Entropy is a measure of the amount of disorder in a system. That's why when we measure time we find it restricted to one direction (unlike when we measure distance) - things are changing such that the overall system has more and more entropy.
Although the illusionary nature of time is the deep truth in this matter, it's not particularly practical. To be totally in harmony with this truth, you'd need to wear a watch that always said "now". But you'd be late for a lot of meetings .... leighb.com

Monday May 28, 2018
Monday May 28, 2018
May 7th, 2018 - From the land of "lucky sevens" in Las Vegas, Nevada, Podcast 7 is dedicated to friends and family and all human beings who are struggling on this earth plane.
Guided by this 20 minute healing meditation, we take our chances aboard the mystic dreamship and head out to sea. We heed the call, not of the slot machines, but of the ancient sound of the mystic whale calling us into the magnetic field of the merkabah healing light. The word mer-ka-ba comes from an Egyptian translation meaning "light, spirit, body". It is also known as the chariot of the soul.
As we surround our earthly physical bodies with this healing light, we are reminded that we really are liquid beings made up of mostly water! As we begin to finally remember the power of our own magnetic field, we outsource our thoughts and plug in to our own electric company. Energizing and healing ourselves, we follow the seven virtues instead of the seven deadly sins as we navigate through chartered waters with our own celestial instruments, ourselves. Good luck!

Friday Apr 06, 2018
Friday Apr 06, 2018
Broadcasting from Cornville, Arizona near Sedona, Claudia Granger and Colleen continue their conversation with thoughts of survival and with techniques that we can use right now to clear out negative beliefs and apathetic influences that keep us in our suffering situations. Colleen believes that we are already biologically encoded with survival skills and that by changing our vibratory field, we can expand that Loving Light that surrounds us, inside and out.
One of the greatest natural tools that we Hue-mans can think about and use is the healing therapy of color. Claudia believes that the color of Gold is the frequency of the soul and shares with us her “Golden Meditation” to do as a practical exercise. She describes how quickly negative and fearful thoughts dissipate when that golden connection to the divine Light is recaptured. Claudia also explains how the color silver is used as a superb detoxifier. Another simple and yet extremely effective exercise to do is to visualize yourself as a kind of house where you can imagine yourself in each room or floor or space. In your imagination while “remote viewing” each room or space, you can “see” how cluttered or spacious each room is from cellar to attic. You can give each room a color as well and think about how that feels. Ultimately it is up to each one of us as gatekeepers to our own thoughts to monitor and listen to first, before expressing.
When we remember to be more loving to ourselves, we are effortlessly reconnected to God’s eternal love and forgiveness for us. The remembrance of that feeling is offered with every breath we take, every message that we hear and understand from our higher selves, our true selves. Here is one profound loving thought that I heard during a deep meditation as I was thinking of Jeshua, the messenger. As he called me by name, HE said, “Colleen, if you would only believe that I love you half as much as you love me, then you would love yourself unconditionally.” Shalom, Colleen

Friday Apr 06, 2018
Survival of the Soul with Claudia Granger: Mystic Grace Episode #5
Friday Apr 06, 2018
Friday Apr 06, 2018
From Sedona Arizona in the land of enchantment, psychic phenomena and superluminal vortexes, Colleen meets Claudia Granger; psychic educator and medium extraordinaire. Colleen herself books a reading with Claudia over the phone and is happy to discover a very talented and experienced way shower. As the spirit guides would have it, Colleen and Claudia finally meet in person to share a glass of wine and drink in the stunning scenery of Sedona.
Their hearts and minds have been synchronized for a lovely new friendship as they discuss what is truly important in their lives now and how they are navigating through these tumultuous times. They agree that they have a lot to share and that they might as well record their conversation in a lovely little town called Cornville, right outside of Sedona.
And what will their first topic of discussion be? SURVIVAL! Not “survival of the fittest,” but rather, survival of the soul. Especially now at this time with all of these “shaker upper” experiences as Claudia proclaims in her charming German accent. How do we prepare for survival? What is it that human beings are really afraid of? Claudia believes that it is the fear of pain and suffering. Colleen believes that it is the fear of dying and the ego, easing God out, agrees with both of them.
Join us for podcast #5 as the journey continues through the vortex of healing, through the sacred geometries of the Sedona red rocks and the spectacular beauty of the Southwest.

Wednesday Nov 08, 2017
The Etherial Healing Room: Mystic Grace Episode #4
Wednesday Nov 08, 2017
Wednesday Nov 08, 2017
Broadcasting from Grand Junction near the majestic canyons and plateaus of the Colorado National Monument, this 40 minute podcast takes you deep inside Colleen's own etherial sanctuary.
She builds a sound healing room with stained glass doors, a vibro-acoustical sound healing table, an alter with over 100 tuning forks and adds to it anything else consecrated and directed to be put inside this "etherial operating room."
Built exclusively to serve as a tunnel of unconditional love, Colleen describes the space as sacrosanct and incredibly peaceful beyond words. Through the vibrations of certain music, the vibroacoustical sound healing table, the drum and the tuning forks, "her guides" would call out the frequencies to use for healing. Each person was different and yet the same as every human cell in every human body, responds to the frequency of sound. It was just a matter of the right combination to heal the memory of those cells and what had happened to them.
Each person who came for sound healing was like a beautiful instrument ready be tuned and healed. Colleen will tell you that every single human being on this earth plane has their own built in antenna and is "God wired". All you have to do is listen. Surrender your Ego body and ask for the healing Light. It is your divine right and the safest place to be!

Wednesday Sep 20, 2017
Near Death Experience for a Young Pregnant Mother: Mystic Grace Episode #3
Wednesday Sep 20, 2017
Wednesday Sep 20, 2017
This Episode is recorded in Lansing, Michigan with 39 year old niece, Stephene. In this episode, she shares her deeply intimate story of birthing her second child, Cooper. But something went wrong, or rather, really right. She had what could be described as a “mini series” of death experiences, one right after the other and was reluctant to share this particular story with the public. It was a great birthday gift to her Aunt Colleen that she agreed to talk about it. It was time to tell her story too. Stephene was brought up in a world full of disappointments and broken promises and yet, she has managed to hold onto her enigmatic personality with great humor. She serves this earth plane with her no-nonsense attitude and willingness to forgive others, but not necessarily, herself. She’s a tough gal, in a tough world; that is how she sees it. Stephene will tell you that she is not afraid to die and she explains why. It was that indescribable peace which she experienced when she stopped breathing; that feeling of infinite joy which has kept her going, knowing that she will return one day to that world of infinite peace and beauty.

Tuesday Sep 05, 2017
The Ego Has a Contract - Part 2
Tuesday Sep 05, 2017
Tuesday Sep 05, 2017
This episode was recorded in Anchorage Alaska and begins to reveal the experiences of spiritual healing and psychic phenomenon which is shared by Mike Ford whose heart is bursting with a new found love and appreciation for all things spiritual. He is a great radio personality “Mike in the morning” for early morning Alaskans and through his generosity of his time and his recording studio space, the first two podcasts are born. He is deeply touched by the subject of the ego, material world and the spiritual one that has shaken him lose as well. Colleen insists that he joins her for the next podcast recording and that he share his own magnificent stories of his personal life. They are both amazed at the sense of peace and the soft blue light that surrounds their microphones while they talk through their hearts about the addictive physical world and the struggle to be free of that. Mike talks about the group of family spirits that surround his bed one night. In particular, a couple of uncles that he recognized as “hell raisers” on this side of the veil and ones that he believed had gone straight to “hell.” Apparently not! After 10 months of sobriety, Mike’s beautiful heart and intentions will help raise the bar on how a struggling human being finds their way to a more peaceful existence and that there is no such thing as “hell.”

Tuesday Sep 05, 2017
The Ego Has a Contract - Part 1
Tuesday Sep 05, 2017
Tuesday Sep 05, 2017
Recorded in Anchorage Alaska, this 33 minute broadcast introduces Colleen Grace Clabby’s background; the reason for telling her story at this time and why she believes that the ego (easing God out) has a contract out on all of us. She describes her relationship with an older well known gambler, living in Las Vegas and that glamour, superficial money world that became impossible to escape from. Knowing the difference of how she grew up in a more sincere environment and the one she became trapped in, it takes 20 years of her life to get free of it and him. With the help of another great seeker/adventurer, Judy Blake, and her relationship to the gambler’s son, their story is one of a thirty year friendship. From the powerful ego world of money and all of the physical addictions attached to it, Colleen receives a great unearthly shout from the “other side” when her mother is diagnosed with stage four non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma cancer. Colleen knows without a doubt that if she doesn’t let go of that so called “secure world of money” she will also get cancer. She finally cuts the ties to that empty, soulless world and returns to her hometown of Mystic Ct. to build her visionary dream of a healing center.