
Sunday Jan 26, 2025
PODCAST #28 — The Mystic Whale Lives ~ And so do we ~ Eternally
Sunday Jan 26, 2025
Sunday Jan 26, 2025
The Mystic Whale Lives ~ And so do we ~ Eternally
It is with relentless grace that I offer this book, my life’s journey. It has taken me eleven years to write it, through great gulps of tears and loneliness, abject refusals to compromise my privacy, as well as casting the whole deal aside for long periods of time. Never mind the lack of funds or housing which made my journey even more interesting and heartbreaking.
And then pure joyful miracles throughout, showing me that this was indeed my path ~ and God was waiting.
When my father struggles with his own dying, I try to talk with him about eternal life. I tell him, “Hey Dad, you know we really don’t die, right?” He replies, “How the hell would you know, you been over there lately?”
Oh my God, he said the funniest things. And yes, as a matter of fact, I find myself working with “the other side” all the time ~ and that I have come to know who I am through my faith and healing abilities given to me.
I believe that all divine humans have come to planet station earth to remember our universal contract and that we agreed to this difficult, seemingly impossible mission, because we have done this before.
We have brought the power with us ~ the power to kill and the power to heal. But we have forgotten so much, our thoughts buried under that sinful blanket woven through centuries of violence, destruction and guilt.
Thrown on top of us to smother our stardust souls, we have little time left to find the truth of our divine inheritance. We should already be living in our own great love story, imagining and creating wonderful things together.
Gifted with the freedom of choice, we gather our celestial intelligence and close that gap of separation, returning to our spiritual home base, our true God~Selves.
This is our dream ship now ~ our eternal lightship of love.
Welcome Aboard!
Publishing this Spring, 2025

Thursday May 18, 2023
PODCAST #27 Portals of Ascension, Wonders of the Divine
Thursday May 18, 2023
Thursday May 18, 2023
Happy Mother’s Day! From the Academy for Future Science and Colleen Grace in Sedona, AZ
Flower painting by Joseph Rulof 1898-1952 “A View into the Hereafter” Music - Giovanni Pierluigi Da Palestrina Repertorie
As we reach for the heavens with our hearts and minds, we honor the true meaning of Mother’s Day and “The Divine Mother who has brought us all into existence,” Dr. JJ reminds us.
Throughout this podcast, Drs. JJ and Desiree Hurtak speak about the wonders of the Divine, “The Keys of Enoch” and how we ourselves, can reach a higher level of consciousness and understanding.
As Dr. Hurtak sings the tonal vibration of the eternal sacred name, “Adonai Shammah”, he petitions us to be blessed especially in this age where God’s Word is now speaking to us, specifically through the sacred sounds.
Dr. Hurtak is the author of “The Keys of Enoch” published in 1973 where he describes his angelic merkabah experience through deep prayer, using the sacred names of God, as an internal portal for ascension.
Dr. Desiree Hurtak adds that her husband also saw other aspects of the throne realm, things that were beyond this earth plane. However, it it would take some time to reveal the whole “beatific” vision, the holy bliss of his journey.
Dr. JJ Hurtak was told to be very cautious because the world was not going to accept the full picture of this program of Alpha and Omega. The evolutionary process is changing because of the imbalance of science and spirituality. We live in a time of angst and despair neglecting Mother Earth, and one another. We are misunderstanding the higher message of the cosmic Christ.
What we choose now, eight billion of us living on this planet, will decide how we survive and ultimately thrive here, or not.
Dr. Desiree Hurtak urges us to have hope, to listen to that true higher spiritual guidance. “We all have decisions to make, we all have work to do.” From that greater level of understanding, she believes that we still have the same option to save ourselves just as Jonah did. Dr. Desiree refers to the Book of Jonah where humanity was given a choice to repent so that the end of the world would not come.
This is the teaching of the Academy, bringing together, the wonders and glory of the Godhead in connection with the ascension process. “This is the real thing,” Dr. Hurtak tells us.
I thank the Academy for all these years of friendship, the teachings, and the eternal messages of God’s love for us.
Wishing you all a Happy Mother’s Day, this Sunday in May, 2023.

Thursday Mar 24, 2022
PODCAST #26 The Ark
Thursday Mar 24, 2022
Thursday Mar 24, 2022
Welcome! "Perfect Love Casteth Out Fear”
Spring Equinox Blessings from Phoenix, Arizona for this special narration of “The Ark” envisioned by Evelyn Nolt, published in 1965.
This vision, this prophecy, that came into Evelyn’s mind was so profound that it was carried by The Eagles to Menno and Sharon Pauls in BC Canada. (See Podcast #9)
Throughout the true story of their own lives, Menno and Sharon were chosen to follow actual encounters with “hobo angels” and other supernal human beings who gave them instructions to begin gathering the harvest.
The human harvest.
When Menno and Sharon began to share their story, it materialized by tape recording first and then translated into the extraordinary manuscript of “The Gathering of the Eagles” (published by Ray Hudson). It traveled all over the world without a penny exchanged and still does to this day.
When Evelyn was offered a copy of The Eagles story, she cried with joy knowing that her vision, this prophecy was miraculously similar to Menno and Sharon’s lifelong mission.
When they met by phone, it was an exchange of jubilant rapture. Menno would share her story and Evelyn would know that her vision, her dream was real after all.
Two years ago in May, 2020 I was given my own special instructions to bring Evelyn’s prophecy into focus. Since, it was all one dream, it was written as such. I worked for two weeks to bring the author’s vision into an easier transformation for the reader to follow.
I knew that I had Evelyn’s permission for the re-write when I began the translation. She had departed already for that perfect love which she had written about and I needed her approval for this, her dream, to become a reality here.
What I hadn’t known was that just a few weeks ago, I felt the urgency to record this and make it Podcast #26.
I couldn’t help but ask my guides, “is this the last one, then?!” The last podcast that I would ever do?
Thank you Evelyn, thank you Menno and Sharon, Judy Blake and Judy Johnson for your magical love and commitment to The Gathering of the Eagles. And Linda Johnson for your ancient love, your pedagogue friendship with both humanity and the divine.
Thank you especially to Judy Johnson who just loved the story of "The Ark" and her willingness to stay up with me through some hours of correct pronunciation of a few of Evelyn’s words and communication.
It was a labor of love, for me certainly, but then I keep thinking - are we that close?
And more importantly, are we prepared? Am I?
And so we fly, dear Eagles! As we gather our friendship and our passion to preserve all that we have lived for and hoped for and all that we protect - our love for this harvest, our divine humanity.
“Perfect love casteth out fear"
Colleen Grace Clabby

Friday Dec 24, 2021
PODCAST #25 The Soul Body: Taking Back Our Soul Power
Friday Dec 24, 2021
Friday Dec 24, 2021
The Soul Body: Taking Back Our Soul Power
Podcast #25
Welcome to all! From Colleen and friends, Drs. Hurtak in West Sedona, AZ
“Our Soul is doomed to perfection!” writes Dr. JJ Hurtak in his book, The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch® - a best selling 612 page book first published in 1973.
Searching for many years, studying the Sanskrit, the Coptic, and the Greek texts of philosophy as well as the mystical experiences, Dr. JJ wanted to convey to his students a more profound explanation and not just a philosophical understanding of “The Eternal One.”
With all his heart and soul in search for God, Dr. Hurtak as a young scholar, turned his body into a musical instrument through chanting, singing, and praying for “A taste of the Eternal Living Experience.’’He was granted not just a taste but was taken to a heavenly, glorious banquet.
Dr. Hurtak describes his experience as a “Beatific Vision” where multi-dimensional realities suddenly surrounded him with a whole stream of colors with beautiful sounds.
Upon being questioned by an angelic face asking Dr. JJ if he was ready to go with him to experience the higher realms, he replied that he was.
When I asked for more detail, Dr. Hurtak explained that “Ultimately there is a sense of recognizing that there is a mind in the greater universe and there are personalities like beings of light, master teachers, lords of light, teachers of glory including the Christ Being.”
JJ went on to say that “this profound experience brought together both sides of the human experience, the scientific and the spiritual and that was the celebration of life - the taste of the eternal presence.”
Dr. Desiree adds that what her husband experienced was the proof that we are not alone and that “our soul is much more than a be-ing sitting inside of a body and being trapped (if you want to look at it that way - inside of a body). In actuality, our soul is here for a very important reason - right now.”
Desiree also talks about the 64 areas of science in their book, The Keys of Enoch®, that are going to take a quantum leap because “we are literally going to encounter other realities, other realms of intelligence. Our consciousness can link to these other dimensional realities because we all have that potential, not just Dr. Hurtak.
This is the greatest time to be alive Dr. JJ tells us, to realize that science is picking up on the real spirituality and spirituality is beginning to understand divine science on higher levels of mind expansion. We are going to go into a cosmic change coming very soon, with cosmic intelligence on our doorstep.
Each one of us are very important.” Dr. Desire speaks of another one of their popular books on our topic today called Overself Awakening, A Guide To The Schoolhouse of The Soul®. Desiree explains that “People should realize that this is a consciousness reality, a consciousness field. It’s not a physical field as much as you think it is. The soul is the essence of who you are. The physical form is to benefit the soul and you mustn’t destroy its potential.”
“We are not alone on this planet, in the heavens or extraterrestrial. There are so many levels of intelligence around. The soul is ongoing and you really are here for a purpose. We need to honor that and find our inner true mission.”
Dr. JJ bids us to “Grow up and take our soul power. We are God-Given sparks of intelligence and life itself is the classroom with our heart as the tabernacle of the soul. When we discover that there is greater joy and purpose, we recognize that life is a partnership between divine and human and that young people especially throughout the world should keep up with it. Do not give up on life or become desensitized!”
We discuss the absurdness of living on this planet at this time and the incredible suffering of humanity.
Dr. JJ tells us that we need to go beyond the suffering, the lower consciousness of unworthiness and the limited view of black and white. “We are living in a synergistic symphony of sound and color.”
Of course! Each one of us are musical instruments right from the birth of our beautiful soul. We can be tuned to the sound of divine love, to human harmony or be out of tune, out of sync with despair and illness. It was the shout from divine universal intelligence which spoke to me directly of human healing, of color, sound and vibration which advanced my own soul growth, many years ago, tuning me up for a greater service to humanity.
Dr. Desiree emphasizes that “we all have that ability to grow our soul and if your story is limiting you, you need to change that story.” Desiree reminds us that so many people who have had near death experiences are asked the same question about their living experience, their time spent on the earth. That question being, “What did you do with your life to help humanity?”
Dr. JJ encourages us to understand that this is “the dawning of a whole new consciousness. The new science is confirming what the ancient philosophers knew, that there was a higher guiding force of the universe. We are beginning to realize that spirituality if properly used with a higher positive psychology and art is really the rainbow bridge to the other worlds.”
“There are other worlds, other cosmic cultures, other intelligent life looking back at Mother Earth because we are part of a cosmic civilization.”
“Our soul is quite advanced” declares Dr. Desiree and is very much prepared to be at one with any of these realities. They are actually - admirers of our soul.”
“So, please recognize the preciousness of your soul, the brilliance of your soul power and make your goal one of service to humanity, trans-humanity, or future humanity. Put forth new ideas and creativity and take yourself off the cross of space and time. Make yourself a new geometric pattern of ascension.”
“We are here now to be the Light, to be the Light bearers.” In fellowship and glory, we thank you.”
Drs. Desire Hurtak and JJ Hurtak & Colleen

Friday Nov 05, 2021
PODCAST #24 Hopi Grandmother Pershlie Ami
Friday Nov 05, 2021
Friday Nov 05, 2021
Eskwali, Perci.
Hopi Prophecy “When the Grandmothers speak, the world will begin to heal.”
With the touch of their ageless hands, Grandmother says “everything will be okay.” Grandfather heartily agrees. Grandmother Perci is a wisdom gatherer/sharer and protector of ancient wisdom. She is also the grandmother who is dedicated to healing hearts, minds and spirits of those who are experiencing pain.
Thank you to Creator and thank you for Grandmother Perci!
With Grace, Colleen
Grandmother wrote this following prayer for the conference at the virtual Parliament of World Religions - Oct. 16-18th, 2021
“I pray for the day that I won’t let fear be my master.
I pray that I will always walk with truth and integrity.”
Touch the Water - a film by Travis Holt Hamilton

Monday May 17, 2021
PODCAST #23 “Finding The Missing Peace”
Monday May 17, 2021
Monday May 17, 2021
PODCAST #23 “Finding The Missing Peace”
A Healing Journey to Wholeness by Chris-Duffy Wentzel
A Cherokee morning blessing - “We n’ de ya ho”
“I am of the Great Spirit”
Happy Mother’s Day!
To our beautiful Mother Earth, guardian and protector of her great spirit for all life, we wish to honor you this day and everyday that we are born here.

Thursday Feb 11, 2021
PODCAST #22 Blessings from the Heart & The Ancestors
Thursday Feb 11, 2021
Thursday Feb 11, 2021

Sunday Jan 10, 2021
PODCAST #21 We Are the Miracle Workers. Part 2
Sunday Jan 10, 2021
Sunday Jan 10, 2021
We Are the Miracle Workers. Part 2 Sound Healing with Sharon Holleran
The miracle of Sound Healing!
How Sharon healed her crippling back pain through the vibration of crystal singing bowls. In 2012, unable to walk, she was brought to an old church in Pasadena, CA called the “Church of Truth.” *
What happened to Sharon was a miracle and yet she had complete trust in the hope and possibility that it would work. The sound of the bowls triggered that memory of self-healing and halfway through the sound bath, she felt “all this crackling of energy and blood flowing down my legs.”
After about six months of using this healing power of sound, Sharon was completely healed. She could go hiking again and do anything she wanted to do.
We can do that now. We must do that now. For this is the only real, natural, free energy left to us to practice.
Throughout this podcast, Sharon also shares some remarkable experiences on her healing journey, her encounters with other off-world realities and her own blood type which makes up only one percent of the human population.
Is she a “real human?” Yes! Has she suffered and gone through much pain? Oh yes.
But, her laughter and song override the discord and disharmony of negativity and untruths because she has learned how. She practices with her sound healing bowls and loves to energize and share her healing gifts with others.
Recently, Sharon and I were talking about our family backgrounds and discovered that we both came from loud, creative, and expressive family dynamics where we could explore our talents and needs and freely protest if we wanted to!
And not only that, but our very spirited fathers shared the same nickname which was, “Happy Jack!” What are the odds of that?
We also understand what is at stake here and that we are in danger of losing our very voices and soul power, our memories of self-healing through divine intervention.
Ask for it. Keep asking and believing. Charge up your brain power, your heart & soul power and make
a joyful noise.
*From The Church of Truth, Pasadena, CA.
Our Center for Awakening Consciousness teaches that there is a power within us greater than anything that happens to us, and that by understanding and applying the principles of this power we can establish ourselves in health, harmony and abundance. Our founder, Dr. Albert Grier said: "Truth ... goes to the one source of authority - the soul of man - where God has put power and says: Trust thyself." Our belief is "Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free." Dr. Grier's vision was to "found a church from which man, no matter how far he advances, no matter what vision shall be granted him, will never have to depart in order to follow his highest, to answer the call of his soul. "Through meditation, contemplation and conscious living we open ourselves to the direct and personal experience of God. Statement of Being "I am Spirit, I think, see, feel and live as Spirit in the presence of God, and through the power of God in me am able to manifest the perfection of Spirit in mind and body."

Thursday Dec 31, 2020
Podcast # 20 We are the miracle workers!
Thursday Dec 31, 2020
Thursday Dec 31, 2020
We need to reclaim our voice, our laughter and our song.
“Little White Buffalo”

Thursday Dec 24, 2020
Podcast #19 “A Christmas Letter”
Thursday Dec 24, 2020
Thursday Dec 24, 2020
Podcast #19 “ A Christmas Letter”
From The Academy For Future Science with Drs. JJ & Desiree Hurtak and Mystic Grace in Sedona, Arizona
“A Happy Christmas to you!
For the Prince of Peace is come,
And his reign is full of blessings,
Their very crown and sum.
No earthly calm can ever last,
Tis but the lull before the blast;
But His great Peace shall still increase
In mighty, all-rejoicing sway: His kingdom in thy heart can never pass away.”
Just this week during Winter Solstice, we see a new light in our earthly skies as Jupiter and Saturn once again conjunct after 800 years. We find ourselves in auspicious awe at the sight of it and we call it “The Christmas Star.”
Is it a good sign? A warning? It comes at the end of the most challenging year of 2020 as we humans, we shepherds of our beautiful planet have been stopped in our tracks just like some of the shepherds were two thousand years ago.
As we listen to the ancient melody of “The First Nowell” (Noel), written in 1833, What was the first angelic word that the startled shepherds heard?
It was - “Fear not!”
Beloved, it comes to you as a Christmas message most sweet and true; as true for you as it was for them in the lonely fields of Bethlehem; and as sweet to-day as it was that night, when the glory dazzled their mortal sight.”*
Just as it did to Dr. JJ Hurtak 48 years ago when he called upon the Divine Father to know more of the meaning of his life here.
As a young scholar and professor, Dr. Hurtak wanted God to fill in some of the missing pieces. Lo and Behold, through the Grace of God and in direct answer to his humble prayers, Dr. Hurtak was enveloped in a superluminal Light and taken up into the heavens. He was shown the meaning of his divine path and given great gifts of science and teachings of wisdom and love.
For the purpose of his life and that of beloved earths’ humanity and its future, a sacred scroll of 64 Keys of Enoch® would be encoded unto him to bring back to Earth.
Since that time of the original publication of “The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch®” in 1973, This good shepherd along with his wife, Dr. Desire Hurtak founded The Academy For Future Science.
Together they have built a future highway to the stars and beyond. This super highway is known throughout the world and has been well traveled for almost half a century.
Dr. Desiree explains that “If we are indeed the shepherds … we must get our consciousness off of this earth-bound reality.
“We are in a spiritual resonance, experiencing other worlds, other realities. Many people, especially the youth, are experiencing apparitions and afterlife in dreams and visions. We here at the Academy can bring scientific insights to that for eternal life.”
Dr. JJ tells us, we can be like “eternal Christmas trees with all of its branches reaching out to all the galaxies and worlds beyond which we are just beginning to understand now as cosmic citizens.”
Dr. Desiree continues to explain that Christ’s ability to go beyond the physical realm into a Light Body is part of a consciousness linkage, which is our own reality, a deeper interconnection.
The Christmas story is about the divine becoming human. The real story of Christ’s birth is about His ascension, about His coming to this earth plane and returning to give us all that deeper connection, that information of love and healing including other aspects of the holy spirit, the higher feminine voicing and expressions.”
Dr. JJ adds: “Part of our work on this earth is to share our gifts with one another because we have come from a divine family and we also, will return. The human can be raised to become divine, like a diamond vehicle, a blessed vehicle. The divine family is teaching us the story of Adam and Eve all over again.” Dr. Hurtak describes The Christmas Letter as an “open-ended letter” in which God gives to us and then it is up to each one of us to understand it. To believe whole-heartedly that through God’s divine grace, we belong to this divine-human family.
I ask about the tremendous uncertainty of what we humans will see as the final curtain rises, so to speak. Along with our incomprehensible fear of death, and our future with Artificial Intelligence, what in God’s name will we encounter? A spaceship or the face of God?!
“We would see the divine in action according to our level of commitment to the divine process,” Dr. Hurtak declares. “The miracles and the power of the Divine Mind is working in ways that are unbelievable now. This is the greatest time to be alive! Through the holy names of God, we have been given a formula to open up space and time as never before, to take the upper paths through the veil of tears. In searching for deeper answers, we become the good and faithful servant. As we open those doors to space and time for contact with other worlds, we will see the second coming of Christ and the second coming of Science.
“We must turn away from the vulgarism and materialism of the media and turn to the names of God. The Keys of Enoch® tell us that this is the time, the age of the Holy Spirit and the age of miracles to come together.”
As we close this Christmas podcast with a blessing from Drs. Hurtak, I want to wish you all a blessed holiday. May the Divine Light keep you bright and may you follow that Christmas Star to the birth of who you truly are.
Love, Colleen and The Academy
*Songs of Christmas by Frances Ridley Havergal published 1884 in New York - One Hundred and Thirty Six years ago